Thursday, June 11, 2020

Before I Go by Colleen Oakley

There's not many places to go in the plot when stage 4 cancer in several places in the body are announced, as is the case in Before I Go by Colleen Oakley (Tull). The subplot involved the dying wife looking for a replacement wife for herself so her husband would be cared for and loved, a noble endeavor, but how realistic I wonder.
Before I Go by Colleen OakleyThere was a twist that built some suspense but overall this author's first effort was a bit maudlin. There were a couple of plot holes that bothered me as well. How did Pamela not call out Jack for his online dating profile? How did Daisy and Jack both go to school and never work, which leads to how did they ever buy the house and how do they buy all these expensive organic foods. Implausible. 

I have read other books by Colleen Oakley, and I will continue to read her books, chalking this one up to beginner's luck.

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