Monday, May 4, 2020

The Perfect Widow by A.M. Castle

The Perfect Widow, by A.M. Castle, is Louise Bridges who doesn’t have a breakdown when PC Becca Holt makes her first notification of next of kin upon Patrick Bridges’ death in a fire. Instead, Louise tidies up, returns to preparing dinner for her children, fails to offer the police a cup of tea—just not the reaction Holt anticipates.
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Louise Bridges is perfect. Perfect hair, perfect body, perfect house, perfect children, with a perfectly dead husband. On the other hand, Becca Holt is a bit dumpy, knowing she eats too many doughnuts and candy bars and disregards exercise. Holt’s partner attributes her suspicions about Mrs. Bridges to envy.

Patrick, however, is not perfect, having his first affair shortly after the birth of their first child. Over the course of the story, readers learn Patrick has many affairs, but Louise decides she will look the other way for her children’s sake.  

PC Holt continues to follow her suspicions, digging up Louise’s back story and searching through Patrick’s emails as well as suggesting to the insurance company that Patrick’s death might not have been accidental. Is she right? Is Louise a murderer or simply a perfect widow?

A.M. (Alice) Castle, formerly a newspaper feature writer, lives in London. Besides this first psychological thriller, she also writes novels, cozy crime mysteries, and whodunnits.

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