Thursday, May 7, 2020

All Adults Here by Emma Straub

Had the description of All Adults Here by Emma Straub described the main characters as homosexual, bisexual, and transsexual, I would have not requested it as I am not the audience for this particular book. I found it to be short on plot and just a hot mess trying to say something about every current social issue from adultery to pedophilia. The message of the book is severely diluted with this everything-in-the-world approach.
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The message does deal with an aging parent who realizes she made some mistakes parenting her children, and the outcome of their adulthood she struggles with, as do they.

While I found the book to be well written and heavy on detail, the plot only went from a to b. Tighter editing might have helped as there was a great deal of redundant verbiage. I found the same problem with her book Laura Lamont's Life in Pictures (2012).

Emma Straub and her husband own Books are Magic, which is an independent bookstore located in Brooklyn, New York.

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