Married with children on a crazy merry-go-round of keeping up with the Jones, Amber sometimes wishes she could have a different life. Single with no prospects in sight even though she'd like to be more than a career woman, Vicky yearns for a wonderful family life like her brother has.

When the magazine Vicky works for decides to do a Swapping Lives feature, Vicky is the single gal picked to swap places with Amber. While both get what they wished for, the swap also gets them some insights that have them asking, is the grass really greener on the other side of the ocean?
Jane Green's Swapping Lives is typical of her usual chick lit books. Familiar both with England, her place of birth, and America, where she lives now, she intertwines the two settings with her two main characters in this novel. Definitely shouldn't be missed by fans of Green's.
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