Seven Lies by Elizabeth Kay had an interesting concept, and the story worked for awhile until it descended to a point that it does not. A debut novel, it had a delicious beginning but is quick to unravel as the reader learned all is not as it seems and so wonders, was any of it what it seemed?
Jane and Marnie had been friends for years. Jane was the first of the two to get married, and she was quite happy in her marriage. Tragedy striked, and her husband was killed by a drunken driver. In the meantime, Marnie had been dating and was pretty deep into a relationship with a man when a grief-stricken Jane sought her out for sympathy. Marnie’s boyfriend Charles resented Marnie’s tender loving care of the grieving Jane, and he worked to put distance between the friends.
Jane’s first lie to Marnie was that she liked Charles when she absolutely abhored him, deciding he was unworthy of someone as good as Marnie. Soon, Charles and Marnie were engaged ad planning a wedding. Jane went along with the marriage, as much as she hated it for her friend, and the wedding went along well until Charles made a move on Jane. Or did he?
Elizabeth Kay works at Peguin Random House and writes on the side.
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