Friday, January 31, 2025

What Happened to the McCrays? by Tracey Lange


What Happened to the McCrays? is the big question in the third novel by Tracey Lange that was released January 14. Set in Potsdam, New York, the story begins with Kyle McCray’s homecoming as he returns from Spokane, Washington, to help his father while he recovers from a stroke.

Kyle left Potsdam two and a half years ago leaving behind his wife, his father, his employees, and his friends. He headed West, using his skills as a mechanic along the way, before settling in Spokane. He worries about the reception he will receive in his hometown upon his return but the small-town community embraces him: only his wife Casey keeps him at an arm’s length, having divorced him a few months after he left home.

Having once played hockey himself, Kyle is offered a job coaching the middle school hockey team that has been through a number of coaches with none of them sticking to the job. Kyle struggles with his decision at first because Casey is a teacher at the school and a sponsor of the hockey team, and he is concerned about making her uncomfortable if he takes the job.

With a positive reception by the hockey players, their parents, the community, and Casey herself, Kyle starts to think about staying in Potsdam even longer than his father’s recuperation requires. The question is, can he do so without making Casey feel uncomfortable, something he does not want to do since he is still very much in love with her.

The novel is buoyed with love and courage as Kyle and Casey strive to come to terms with redefining their relationship. Told in alternating segments of “Now” and “Then,” the story reveals both sides of their failed marriage as they finally deal with the devastating event that drove them apart.

New York native Tracey Lange completed a Stanford University online novel writing class while writing her debut novel, We Are the Brennans. She lives with her family in Bend, Oregon. She modeled Star, the German shepherd, in the McCray’s story after her own dog.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

A Forty Year Kiss by Nickolas Butler

 Sixty-somethings are not often the main characters in romantic novels, but in A Forty Year Kiss by Nickolas Butler coming out February 4, Charlie and Vivian get a second chance for love after 40 years apart.

Charlie left Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, 40 years ago after his four-year marriage to Vivian ended. He knew his drinking had played a big part in the breakup, but he could also admit to being too young and immature for marriage. The one thing that had not changed during their four decades apart was the love he had for Vivian. Might she still have feelings for him? He was about to find out as she agreed to meet him at the Tomahawk Room for a drink.

Vivian hesitated in her car before meeting Charlie in her hometown telling herself that one drink together does not mean anything. After all, he is just a man she once knew a lifetime ago. She recalled how he broke her heart, but she also knew she held a life-changing secret from their marriage that she was not likely to share over a drink.

Turns out, Charlie was moving back to the area from Albuquerque where he had recently retired from the railroad. His uncle had left him a farm about an hour away in Spooner, but mostly he was meeting her because he wanted to find out if it was possible that the love they shared had not perished.

Charlie has taken the first step on a long road to try to win Vivian back into his life. Vivian has lots of reservations including the way Charlie treated her in their marriage and his drinking problem. Vivian’s life has been hard what with a second husband who became an invalid before passing away. She had endured lots of disappointments and hardships, having made mistakes and lived in sadness. Charlie was offering her the world, and she was just too afraid to accept.

Slowly the two become friends, but even in that kind of relationship, they suffered ups and downs. The mistakes of the past haunted them. However, Charlie was financially able to make Vivian’s life—and the lives of her daughter and granddaughters—easier although Vivian was sensitive to money issues. The guy even bought her a horse, a lifelong dream finally realized for Vivian.

The questions remain. Were they truly in love with one another or was their courtship just a stopgap to loneliness? How could Charlie give up alcohol after all these years? What might happen if Vivian reveals the secret she has kept from Charlie for 40 years? What had they done to deserve a second chance at love? What kind of challenges would they face if they restarted their relationship?

Nickolas Butler is the author of four other novels: Shotgun Lovesongs, The Hearts of Men, Little Faith, and Godspeed. Born in Pennsylvania, raised in Wisconsin, Butler lives in rural Wisconsin with his family.

My review will be posted on Goodreads starting January 22, 2025.

I would like to thank Sourcebooks Landmark, an imprint of Sourcebooks, and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC in return for an objective review.


Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Nobody's Fool by Harlan Coben

 Former New York detective Sami Kierce is Nobody’s Fool, the latest mystery by Harlan Coben coming out March 25. One evening while he is teaching an adult ed criminology class on the Lower Eastside, a mystery woman briefly pops into class. Thinking she is someone from his past, fast-acting Sami slips a tracking device into her coat pocket as she dashes out of the room.

Sami dismisses his students so he can follow the woman who he dubs “Maybe Anna,” a woman who he met in Spain when he backpacked through Europe with some friends after college 25 years ago. He trails  her to an upper-class neighborhood in Connecticut where he is deflected from the estate by two guards.

Not to be deterred, Sami engages his students—many of whom are true crime fanatics--with the task of finding out the identity of the woman. He does not reveal his main concern: the last time he saw Anna in Spain, she was dead.

Anna’s death knocked him off his career path of becoming a doctor. Instead, he chose to join the  police force, a job from which he eventually was fired for multiple violations of law enforcement protocol. In addition, he was being sued for causing a civilian to be seriously injured. To make ends meet as he supports a wife and son, Sami has been trading legal representation in the lawsuit for becoming an  investigator in divorce negotiations, supplementing his income with his part-time teaching gig.

How can the visitor to his classroom possibly be a woman he met 25 years ago? What are the chances he can redeem himself and dismiss his guilt IF Anna is really alive?

Harlan Coben is a prize-winning mystery and suspense writer with the Edgar, Shamus, and Anthony Awards to his credit—the first author to have won all three. A dozen of his books have been adapted into the Netflix series including Fool Me Once, which premiered in January 2024.

Friday, January 3, 2025

Southern by Design by Grace Helena Walz

 In the debut novel by Grace Helena Walz, Magnolia "Mack" Bishop is Southern by Design as she navigates Bishop Builds, her home preservation design firm in Charleston, South Carolina. Mack’s marriage is in a state of dissolution after her husband sent a body part photo of himself to another woman.


Though Mack’s firm misses out on a prestigious fellowship for historic preservation, she does secure a new design job thanks to her mother Magnolia Sr., a force to be reckoned with as she has always tried to control Mack’s life including pushing for a match with the husband Mack is now divorcing. Better than the design project is the opportunity it presents for a shot at a home improvement TV show, something Magnolia Sr. has no control over whatsoever, though she would like to be a co-host.


Her love life might be looking up as Mack takes a chance on an old love who returns to Charleston when she is in the thick of designing a wide Georgian mansion with a double porch. If left to romance on her own terms instead of a push from her mother, Mack would have married Lincoln Kelly 15 years ago before he left Charleston for a career in New York City. He is back in town with a young son, and Mack has some big decisions to make.


This contemporary romance comes out February 11, just in time for Valentine’s Day.


Grace Helena Walz received a master’s in social work at the University of Houston and worked with children in foster care, as a medical social worker, and in a mental health capacity.  She resides outside of Atlanta with her family.


My review will be posted on Goodreads starting January 3, 2025.

I would like to thank Harper Muse, an imprint of HarperCollins Focus LLC, and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC in return for an objective review. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.